Periodic Table

Listening Exercises by Level

Listening exercise!
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Do the exercises online and show them to your mom or dad. 
Then they can send me a message telling me you have done all three exercises.

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Then they can send me a message telling me you have done all three exercises.

Spain's Political System presentations pending

Presentations pending of this unit

Democracy by Matthew Fernández
Democracy by Luis Nepomuceno

Constitution of 1978, Constitution Day by Óscar Bilbao
Constitution of 1978 by Nadia Calleja

Rights and Responsibilities by Lucía López
Rights and Responsibilities by Aitor Martín completed

Elections by Itziar Pérez

Separation of power by Álvaro París
Separation of power by Jesús Quíros
Separation of power by Sara Riquelme

executive branch by Emilia Gaspar
executive branch by Noemí Berzal
executive branch by Anaís Martínez

legislative branch by Jimena Moreno
legislative branch by Gabriel Cloanta

judicial branch by Paula Hernández

absolute majority 
coalition government by Clara Ainhoa García

minority government

Prime Minister or President? by Hector Afonso

State of Emergency by Carla Martín

Public Services by Irene Mateo
Public Services  by Asier González
                                  Public Services  by Paula Acevedo
                                  Public Services  by Mencía Martínez
Public Services  by Aitor Iglesias

Local councils

National government by Aitana Rodríguez

Autonomous communities by Óscar Budeanu

Taxes in Spain and VAT by Lucía Trejo
Taxes in Spain and VAT by Aitana Sanz
Taxes in Spain and VAT by Sofía Bouhad
Taxes in Spain and VAT by Emilia Gaspar
Taxes and VAT by Leonard Pijen

Budget by Davíd Martín-Maestro Fernández

Protección Civil by Sofía Martín

Kahoot by Blanca Herrero

Spain's Political System - main points and audio book

Download audio files here

Main points of this unit

Constitution of 1978, Constitution Day
Rights and Responsibilities
Separation of powers 
executive branch
legislative branch
judicial branch
absolute majority
coalition government
minority government
Prime Minister or President?
State of Emergency (look it up on THIS PAGE.)
Public Services
Local councils
National government
Autonomous communities
Taxes in Spain and VAT

5 facts everyone should know about a Pandemic

EXAM Reproduction exam

You must use your mother or father's email address to do this exam.  

Si tus padres no reciben el correo con el examen, mandar un correo electrónico a

You have one hour to do this exam. 
You can only do it one time. 
You have until Sunday to do the exam.

Your parents must be with you when you do this exam. 

Los padres o un tutor tienen que estar con sus hijos cuando hacen el examen. 

No se puede usar libros ni cuadernos ni apuntes para hacer el examen. 

Si ha estudiado no será difícil. 

Good luck!

The link has been sent to your parents' email addresses. 

Reproduction Presentations

Reproduction Presentations

Please find your presentations in this link:

The files that say done on the end have been corrected for mistakes.